Friday, September 30, 2011

10 Worst Places to lose your Iphone/Smartphone

 So today’s blog is a bit more off topic than what my teacher is used to, but it is about losing things. Yes we all lose important things from time to time; our keys, our wallets, and of course our minds! But one thing that in today’s digital age that is becoming (or will soon become) more important than any of these three combined, is your Smartphone or Iphone. Trust me folks, we carry them everywhere now, and they are basically our lives! So here now is a list of the top 10 worst places people misplace their special devices, thanks to research done on Androids by Lookout Security Inc.

10. Inside your purse (if you’re a female, you’d understand.)
9.  At a Bar (Apple Employees should know a lot about this by now ^_^)
8. The roof of your car
7. In a Changing room
6. At an Airport… or on an Airplane
5. At School/College
4. On a Bus or Subway Car [ I lost a digital Camera on both….yes BOTH and I never saw either one of them again :( ]
3. In a Swimming Pool
2. Inside a Taxi
1. In the Toilet…YUCK!

Accidents do happen. My brother almost lost his wallet inside a Taxi. Thankfully the New York cabbist was honest enough to try to track him down and he was later able to retrieve it. I also forgot once that my IPod Touch was hidden inside my swimsuit while I was down in Virginia Beach. I did find it…destroyed :/

Chances are that if you do lose something like your Smartphone, it is probably around your house or apartment. Look inside the sofa, beds, drawers, even your Refrigerator (yes, the fridge…my mother serious left her cell phone there once for 2 days!) and chances are you will eventually find it. Another way to avoid this today…well, like everything else these days... there’s an app for that! If you use someone else’s Smartphone, they can now track yours with a required password, so you will *kinda* never lose it again.

And in case you were wondering… Miami, New York City and Los Angeles were the three worst cities to lose your phone in.

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