Friday, September 9, 2011

Top 17 Internet Sites...According to Google!

Google has announced the top 17 ‘most hit’ websites of 2011. No surprise on some of these (Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, YouTube, Wikipedia etc). To be honest….there’s a trend here. But some of these I must question. You will notice that some of these are websites in China.  Others well…. let's just say that nobody uses too much anymore. Why and how they are still around is beyond the time I have here to explain. The other things I noticed, um…well, this is a Google website, and Google I believe purposely left out companies like…idk GOOGLE and APPLE (Others left off would include but not limited to…. Skype, EBay, and! So take it or leave it with this list. Also…take a wild guess who is number one -_-

17. Youku (The Chinese’s YouTube)
16. Twitter
15. Word Press
14. Adobe Downloads (now…that is only there because you have to constantly update the damn thing!)
13. Taoabo (China’s version of Wal-Mart and
12. (Really!?! People still use ask ?!?)
11. QQ (Chinese Animae)
10. Microsoft
9. Bing
8. Biadu (Chinese Search Engine)
7. BlogSpot == if you’re reading this, you already knew that as well ;)
6. MSN
5. Wikipedia
4. Windows Live
3. Yahoo!
2. YouTube
1. Facebook == if you thought it was Google, congratulations….Google would have pushed Yahoo! down to #3 but due to not standing up and being honest about their own work, the company purposely left themselves off this list.

Again, I am not surprised at some. But what lacks on me is the notion that Google would purposely leave certain sites out. Now, leaving out “Adult Sites” like YouPorn I can understand….. (If you don’t know what that is, Cover your ears now!) But leaving off Apple, EBay and Amazon is puzzling. Now Google also insists in regards to the latter two that it doesn’t allow in this list sites that ask you to “Buy” something. But again, some sites like Adobe and Taobao want that anyways and they made the list. To wrap this all up, this weirdly numbered entire list of seventeen websites is full of Chinese wannabes, Technological things that don’t work (My Windows Live is down so yes… and you Microsoft, and you Adobe!!) Snotty Search engines, and our loveable social network sites that we will surely forget about in ten years.

Oh, and MySpace is off the list.  However, it hasn’t made it since 2009. Oh, how times have changed.


  1. It was sad what happened to MySpace. It was clearly a major failure by NewsCorp.

    Doc Rod

  2. I think this list is very interesting but seems somewhat accurate to what I would believe if I was to make this list. I am surprised that Google is not number 1, but then again they did not include themselves in the top 17. I am not surprised that Facebook is number one because it is used worldwide these days for multiple reasons. At first it was just for social communication with friends, family, coworkers but is now being used as a source of advertising, and business use.
