Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Taking this to a whole new level.

Dear World human viewers, and Pets that may control their keyboards: I am hoping that starting soon, I will be re-making this blog, or another blog source yet to be determined, into something where I can tell the news from my advantage point. I promise to stay FACTUAL and will not bring you something that CNN or Fox News might bias the crap out of. My news will be short, to the point, and full of sources. Why now you may ask? Well, I recently heard that the U.S. Supreme Court has stated that bloggers ARE indeed "Journalists". Now, I do realize that anyone with half a brain could write something that I am doing right now....on a blog, and call it "Journalism". But since I do have a college degree in communication, I am hoping that some people might be able to take a blog that I write a little bit more seriously than a teenager girl who is into fashion and talking about 'cute' dudes. So I will try to 're-vamp' this system here and will see if I can make it more 'newsy' as they say in the business. My links and stories posted will most likely follow national headlines, weather, sports, or just something I might find interesting. So I hope you stay tuned as we begin this process (or as I like to call it "Caution: Construction Ahead"). Happy Blogging! Michael

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