Sunday, February 6, 2011

The new media format

Okay, so here we go!!!

The Facts:

A) Larry King retired from CNN. He was replaced by Piers Morgan (ironically, Morgans ratings have been higher than King's so far a good move by the Clueless network lol).

B) Regis Philbin is retiring :(

C) Oprah Winfrey is retiring :(

D) Keith Olbermann was FIRED O_O

E) Katie Couric is leaving CBS around Memorial Day.

So....what will happen with these stories??
Here are my myths ;)

So Regis Philbin is retiring? You know who would be a good replacement for him??
JOHN O'HURLEY!! Yes, good old guy from 90's sitcoms is looking for a job after Family Fued let him go, he did dancing with the stars, and actually I think him and Kelly Ripa would make an awesome team (P.S: he's filled in a few times for Regis. and No Mark Conselous is not getting the job or else it'd be sex tall all throughout...and who wants to watch that...oh and Anderson Cooper has a life. No offense to him either)

So Oprah is leaving?? Gosh, who would become the new queen of daytime TV...well Ellen DeGeneras has the lead lol. But who would get her time slot. You gessed it KATIE COURIC!!! O_O

I could see the show now simply being called "Couric". It would be her chatting with Barack Obama, Barbara Walters, and occasionally a chef like Emeril Legaslie would come on. But it's simply HER show, and personally being the personality that she has, it's hers for the taking....Good luck ;)

Ketih Olbermann's next move: Sirus XM. Oh yes the Olby gonna do a radio show. Rush Limbaugh anyone?? Glen's beck's alter ego? He cannot just go sitting around doing nothing. Sirus has 200 stations, I'm sure they can devot 2 hours a day to Keith's rantics, and besides...he'll have more power to say whatever the hell he wants to and to make his comments more riveting. Sure less audience for now, but if it works....he could have an entire new format to play with. NBC.....made another huge mistake (geez, where have we heard that before Conan??)

And finally, as for Katie's replacement...get ready for:


[More Colonoscopy's at your dinner table anyone??]

I'll be in my office...just holler at my clueless antics. I've had fun though xd.

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