Sunday, May 15, 2011

Republicans vs. Change

So....we have the following "official" candidates

Ron Paul
Rick Santorum
Newt Gingrich
Tim Pawlenty
Mitt Romney
Jimmy "Rent is Too Damn High" McMillian

Then the "wait" candidates

Michelle Bauchman *indictators say she will run*
Donald Trump *After the Birther fiasco, the fire has run out and he should stay at NBC where he belongs, unless of course....NBC doesn't want him lol*
and Sarah Palin *noooobody knows!! O_O*

after Huckabee said he wouldn't run *Praise god for not allowing an evengelical psychopath to be president*  the field has become a lot more open. Romney leads early (no surprise) but all eyes are on South Carolina.
The 'big' RNC dogs are looking at Newt, but in all honesty....I don't think the average voter will connect with him.

I expect Tim Pawlenty to be a wild card. Beware of the  people of Minnesota (just hope he primes better than the last guy who had a shot from that state.......<_< yes. Walter Mondale

Finally, speaking of 'Wild Cards'...another Minnesotian has also not ruled out being a candidate in more of an independent battle. His name: Former Gov. Jesse "The Body" Ventura :o

So the republicans could have: "The rent is too damn high" McMillian, "I can see Russia from my house" Palin, "You're Fired" Donald Trump...and I'm bringing the political smackdown" Ventura.

All we need now is Kentucky Sen. Ron Paul to run, Make John McCain look 30 years younger, and to make it more interesting...add another Minnesotian in Al Franken (sorry, like Mondale he's a democrat :/)

Or we have 4 more years of Barack Obama...anyone want "Change" in 2012?? they are. Time will be soon to pick em! Good luck to all Pokemon *I mean...Challengers!*